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  Battlefleet Lambda - “Ten thousand year-old hulks crewed by halfwits and thugs, led by privateers. Scum, through and through” High Lord Gort on Battlefleet Lambda The Sector’s Imperial Naval defenders are, more diplomatically, described as shaped by its circumstances, those being that any ship worth a damn was withdrawn to reinforce the Cadian Gate shortly before the Sector was isolated. What was left, mainly reserve ships with half-trained crews, have struggled ever since. In the immediate aftermath of isolation, the Navy’s two main tasks were to continue with the usual mixture of anti-piracy operations flying the flag and across the Sector. The second, more urgent and dangerous, was the suppression of the rebellious governors.     For the first task, a large number of smaller ships, frigates and destroyers, was required as these groups would need to range far and wide and do so quickly. The rival forgeworlds and the smaller shipyards were on hand to churn out the required escorts

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